Welcome to the Colloquy. For some of us, the Colloquy will revisit events occurring when we were in school or college. In this sense it will be a history of the Cold War, the Korean War, recognition of Israel, founding of the UN, and many domestic issues arising after World War II.
There is a lot to consider in four short meetings. Hopefully, we can be guided by the following schedule (see Reading Materials for texts):
- Session I. Ancestors, Family, Education, Social Life, Army Service, Marriage and Politics, Senate and his reelection to second term in pages 3-248 (Hanby) or 15-252 (McCullough).
- Session II. Emergence of Senator Truman, Election as Vice-President and subsequently becoming president, Challenges of the office and the world, in pages 249-451 (Hanby) or 253-620 (McCullough).
- Session III. Election of 1948, Korea, Israel, Jos. McCarthy, Gen. MacArthur, Life Style and family, “Scandals,” NATO in pages 451-599 (Hanby) or 621-856 (McCullough).
- Session IV. Leaving the White House and Looking back in pages 599-641 (Hanby) or 857-992 (McCullough).