Colloquy Downeast Blue Hill Maine

Colloquy Downeast

Spirited Conversations in Great Company

FacilitatorRobin Saltonstall
Date & Time Mondays, May 13, 20, (skip Memorial Day) June 3, (June10) POSTPONED Until June 17
1:00 pm- 3:00 pm
Locationvia Zoom

Those of us who are “oldering” know the process is not for sissies. Now recent advances in neuroscience, neurobiology, cultural studies, philosophy and (yes!) Quantum Theory show that the role that we “old folks” play in daily living is literally critical to the survival of the species not just in the West, and not just in humans, but across cultures and species. In this way, contemporary science is just catching up with the central claims of Native Science and Daoism. No more Old Farts/Folks. Bring on the Wise Guides.

Our neurological processes undergo dramatic change over tme, including via what’s termed myelination of the brain, to become ever more networked, able to “put it all together.” There really is a neurobiology of wisdom. Maybe you have noticed having keener insight or an exponentially improved ability to reflect widely and deeply and to figure out what “matters” and what doesn’t? Biologically, our physical changes force us us sit down and use these new neural connections; and as it turns out, these neural connections are just what we need to engage fully in the -inter and intra-connected universe which science is steadily revealing to us and which Wisdom Traditions have always known. We are becoming differently abled than when we were young; we are Wizening Up.

Join us as we delve into the extraordinary consilience across contemporary and ancient perspectives: that to find meaning in living as an individual human requires stepping proactively into the “Oldering”dance of being both a (not quite yet) composing physical body and an expanding awareness; and in so doing, taking our essential place on the evolutionary dance floor of the Whole, where we are all and each co-developing and co-evolving the Whole together, and more importantly, are creating the conditions for future living. What will we choose? To remain stuck in fear, or to engage with intention, bringing our differently-abled wiser self to this dance, becoming the fully human being evolution intended us to be?

Robin Saltonstall, PhD blends neuroscience, Nature-based experience, depth psychology, and therapeutic movement to address the unique challenges of those traversing the second half of their lives. In addition to 40plus Integrative Health practice, Robin is a professor of ecopsychological ethics, climate crisis, and ecotoxicology for Viridis Graduate Institute ( and is an adjunct faculty member at Schumacher College, England., where she teaches on Living Gaia’s Alchemy. Robin gardens, mothers, hikes, and writes about being “M.O.T.Y.” or “More Older Than Young” in our youth-worshipping western culture. Her lifework is to reconnect humans to their deep belonging as one of many alive beings interconnecting and thriving on a living Earth.

  ▼ Syllabus/Reading


Restoring the  Soul of the World: Our Living Bond with Nature’s Intelligence – by David Fideler

Session I:

Homework: In preparation for the colloquy, please read Fideler Parts I and II BEFORE we meet.

Week 1 Slides

Session 2: Read Fideler – Part 3

Week 2 Slides

Session 3: Read Fideler Part 4 and the Washington Post article available here:

Or if you don’t have a Washington Post subscription, here is a PDF of the article  that does not have illustrations: How does the brain age across the lifespan

Week 3 Slides

Two Articles on Epigenetics:

Gillson and Ross 2019 From generation to generation Rethinking Soul wounds and historical trauma

Parental olfactory experience influences behavior and neural structure in subsequent generations


Session 4: Please bring your Vision Statement (information on this will be provided during the course).


Books for further reading related to this colloquy:

One of the best explanations of Gaia theory in layperson terms is:
Elizabeth Sahtouris, Gaia: the human journey from chaos to cosmos. Simon and schuster: 1989.

The excellent book on awe and how it changes us physiologically is:
Dacher Keltner, Awe. The new science of every day wonder and how it can transform your life. Penguin: 2023.

One of the best books on quantum theory that is for regular folk is:
Paul Levy, The Quantum Revelation. Select books: 2018.

The book written by the British physicist, who went to live with the Native Americans is by F. David Peat, Blackfoot Physics. Weiser: 2005.

One of the books that Fiedler based his book on. Young addresses the concept of the universe as a creative and self-organizing intelligence in and of which we are a participant. This book is one of the classic books of the philosophy of science. Louise Young, The Unfinished Universe . Simon & Schuster: 1986.

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