Colloquy Downeast Blue Hill Maine

Colloquy Downeast

Spirited Conversations in Great Company

FacilitatorPriscilla Taylor
Date & Time Note - postponed to begin Oct 11--Fridays Oct 11, 18, 25, and Nov 15
10:30 am -12:30 pm
LocationBass Room, Blue Hill Library (basement)

Are you a little intimidated by the notion of written music? A musical score doesn’t have to be intimidating, and one doesn’t have to be able to perform a piece in order to gain insights into it. 

We’ll cover enough of the basics of music notation to provide a framework for reading music. 

Then we’ll examine what we can learn just from looking at the first page of score, and then explore the relationship between what we see and what we hear. 

We’ll investigate a number of movements, each by a different composer, and look into each composer’s life and work, culminating in a discussion of what might make a particular composer’s work unique. 

Priscilla Hayes Taylor is the creator, cellist, programmer, researcher, and artistic director of Decompression Chamber Music. She is a member of the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra and Symphony New Hampshire. Ms. Taylor has a MM in Cello Performance from New England Conservatory, and a BA in Music Performance and Composition from Bennington College, and spent five summers at Kneisel Hall. Ms Taylor currently teaches for Upbeat New Hampshire and at UMassBoston.

  ▼ Syllabus/Reading


We will be listening as well as reading.

Session 1:  The Basics

Prep: spend some time on Music the link:

Additions and clarifications to musictheory

Bring any questions you have about the first twenty lessons, up through “Seventh Chords”. (They’re pretty short.) We don’t want the discussion to get too technical, just need to have the basic language and symbols available. (We will not be delving into complex harmony or analysis, just looking at the big picture.)

ALSO: choose a favorite piece of music and send me the Title, the Composer and the movement, if applicable. I will find the first page, if possible. (If everyone picks Mozart, I’ll probably ask you to make a second choice!)

Colloquy first pages

What can you tell from looking at the first page of any score? We’ll start with a Bach Invention, Ravel’s “Bolero”, Abreu’s “Tico Tico” Brahms’ double concerto, and a string quartet TBD.

Abreu Tico Tico

Bach Invention

Brahms Double

Ravel’s Boléro

Shostakovich Sy 5 1st two pp

Session 2: Comparing and Interpreting what you see and what you hear.

Prep: Review everything you know about your piece from the first page, and note anything that’s interesting, apparent, or confusing.

We will listen to as many of your selections as we can.

What can you see? Can you hear what you see? Can you see what you hear?What’s different?


Constructing and using your scale tool

scale tool printable

IF you are remote please print out and cut out your scale tool. If you are in person I will provide you with one. Also bring any questions you have about what we’ve covered so far.

We’ll start with the scale tool, then Beth will guide us through the first page of Chopin’s “Raindrop” Prelude listening:

Chopin Raindrop  –played by Vladimir Horowitz –played by Lang Lang

After that we can tackle Bolero, Tico Tico, and/or Bach Invention

Tico Tico you can listen to it here,,vid:uzZnXxkuD2U,st:0

but the most authentic-sounding version is on the Wikipedia page for Choro.

scroll down the sidebar to Tico-Tico no Fubá, Recorded 1931 by Orquesta Colbaz

Bach Invention

Three very different versions:

Andras Schiff —

Tsvi Erez —

Glenn Gould —


Session 3: The Composer

Prep: Find out some things about your composer – dates, style, works, etc. Then pick one other piece by the same composer in a different genre – if your original pick was a piano piece, you could pick a string quartet or a symphony, for example. See if you can figure out what is the composer trying to convey. What can you anticipate will happen in the rest of the piece or movement?

We can then discuss what we see and what we hear: tension vs relaxation, overall mood;, also what in the piece causes excitement or serenity.

Ol’ Man River:
Notes from Ed on Ol’ Man River, with a link to Paul Robeson singing it: Jerome Kern .
YouTube :Robeson : Ol’ Man River (note from Judy- link in Ed’s notes did not work when I posted it so I hope this is the right version).
First three pages of Shostakovich 5 because they include the brief bassoon and flute entrances. Shostakovich Sy5 first pages .
Link for Shostakovich:
Notes from the Editor of the score of Shostakovich Shostakovich Sy 5
Elgar – Nimrod Variation:
This is an a capella group’s version – Voces8 . It’s Lucie’s beautiful favorite version and because it’s vocal, the tempo is faster because singers have to breathe!! It’s also a whole step lower, probably to accommodate the soprano range  –Queensland Symphony  —Sir Colin Davis and LSO I think. Notice how the conductor conveys total calm to the orchestra at the beginning



Session 4: Quirks

Prep: Identify one “genius moment” in your piece: something inexplicably wonderful, gut-wrenching or startling. Can that moment characterize your composer? Is there another work or composer that you love or can’t stand?

Elgar Cello Concerto

KARIDOYANES Score Scan-ELGAR Cello Concerto pp 30 and 48  (second movement) beginning at 1:55   (third movement) starting at 0:00



Notes from Amy Archer: A Neophyte’s Bach Handout

I feel the musician captures most closely the feeling of why I fell in love with this piece.  It’s a staged street scene but I love it. (Amy Archer)

also: IMSLP recording.   –,_S.Z799_(Marcello,_Alessandro)   scroll down to “For Keyboard (Bach)”

There are three recordings and I think the Luis Kolodin version is the most musical, especially in his treatment of the repeated notes and the ornaments.

Original Marcello version  –

original Oboe Concerto for oboe, strings, and continuo.

Ravel – Bolero 

Background: Ravel’s Boléro

Michael Taylor Notes on Bolero : Bolero Notes – Michael Taylor

L’Orchestre National de France, Dalia Stasevka conducting —  –turn up the volume enough that you can hear the snare drum at the beginning (you can turn it back down as things thicken up)

Pink Martini arr. of Bolero – Pink Martini arr Bolero – 2011


Debussy – “L’Apres-Midi d’un faune”


Poem :  Stephane Mallarme – L’Apres- Midi d’un Faune


Debussy Nov 15 SEMartin

Elgar Cello Concerto

KARIDOYANES Score Scan-ELGAR Cello Concerto pp 30 and 48



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