Colloquy Downeast Blue Hill Maine

Colloquy Downeast

Spirited Conversations in Great Company

FacilitatorPhilip Osgood and David Porter
Date & TimeTuesdays, February 1, 8, 15, 22, 2022
10am - noon
Locationby ZOOM
Available Spaces0

We take water for granted.  It seems to be in boundless abundance and freely available for everyone. For such a common substance, details of its chemical and physical properties and its contribution to the functioning biosphere are less well known or understood. The lack of understanding of our water resource has led to misguided water regulation and  misuse of the resource. Now, it is particularly important to comprehend the significant role of water in relation to inevitable climate changes in the 21st Century.   This colloquy will address the basic properties of water and its significance for life, the history of water on earth, the human use and misuse of water, the geopolitics of water and where we go from here.

Philip Osgood is a Brooksville resident who enjoys being on or in the water and has a fascination with the medium itself.  David Porter is a Brooklin resident, a retired teacher with a biological interest in all things watery.  Both facilitators are concerned about the future of this resource.

  ▼ Syllabus/Reading


Readings: Big Thirst by Charles Fishman, 2012; Drinking Water by James Salzman, 2017 (both available at Blue Hill Books)

We will also include resources from the UN World Water Development Reports and readings from the current media.

Session 1. The Science of water 

Chemistry and physics of water

Unique characteristics of water

The universal solvent of life


Session 2. The History of Water 

Water in the universe, solar system, and on earth

Water as an essential aspect of earth’s ecosystems

Session 3. Water as a human resource 

Accessibility of water

Where is our water?  Salt, fresh, underground, in atmosphere, etc.

Current survey of water resources

Human use and misuse

Session 4. The Politics of water 

“Water rights” —  Who owns the water?

Geopolitical controversies over water use

Water conservation issues

Water as a threatened resource

Water and climate change

Potential developments — crises versus solutions

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  ▼ Registration


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